Appearance on the primetime chat show “The Five Show”, Jan 2015
The first mobility-impaired, non-stop ascent of Mt Kinabalu(4095m) in Aug 2013
March 2010: David Lim featured and interviewed as one of the “megabucks” coaches in Singapore in the main English newspaper, The Straits Times. David’s practice as a coach was also featured in 2005 in the Wall Street Journal
The Law Gazette’s May 2007 feature includes David Lim’s interview. Is coaching a fad or here to stay? And why most teambuilding isn’t effective in helping the bottomline – and what works.
Mind over Matter – a special Dec 2006 Singapore Tatler feature included the David Lim interview on life after Everest – and on overcoming life’s greatest challenges
FHM magazine’s exclusive interview with David Lim on motivation and life’s lessons. January 2008.
What makes a high performing team and what can Singapore and the world learn about teambuilding that works. Download the Sep06 AFPJ story now
David Lim speaks to the Mumbai Mirror (one of the largest English language newspapers in India) about leadership and teams. Feb 2010

Inspire magazine personality feature, July 2015
David’s 8th virgin peak and some news coverage in major broadsheets, Sep 2012
David Lim at the conferring ceremony for new Certified Speaking Professionals (CSPs) at the National Speakers Association Annual Convention, Jul 19,2009. He joins fewer that 10% of the 5000 professional speakers worldwide with the prestigious designation representing excellence, eloquence, and expertise.David is the first Singaporean to receive the designation. Download the pdf to read more.
The cover of May 2007′s THE EXECUTIVE magazine covered Davids thought’s on business success and leadership. Download this feature now.
Read David Lim’s interview with HRM magazine on teamwork strategies. Download the PDF now.
Kevin Voight of the Wall Street Journal’s Aug 2007 feature on David Lim
The Singapore Marketer interviews David Lim on marketing for SMEs, January 2009.
David Lim’s major opinion piece in The SUnday Times about overcorwding on Everest, cognitive biases and poor leadership decision-making.